Annual State Conference
Our annual conference brings together honoured delegates and members of our community to discuss future directions.

The State President of the Returned & Services League of Australia (Victorian Branch) Inc, Dr Robert Webster OAM, has formally convened the 108th Annual State Conference (Annual Conference), commencing at 9.30 am on Saturday, 15 July 2023.
The Annual Conference is also the Annual General Meeting of RSL Victoria Inc.
Click below to read the full Annual Conference agenda, and the minutes of the 2022 conference.
Key highlights of the agenda include:
- State President’s Report’
- Financial Reports
- CEO address
- Voting by Sub-Branches on Policy remits
- Return of the election results for the State Executive (RSL Victoria Board)
The following candidates have been nominated for RSL Victoria Board election at the Annual Conference:
State Vice President:
- Terence (Terry) Makings AM
- Michael Quinn
State Executive Member (Metro):
- Angelos Kenos
- David Menz
- Andrew Hall
State Executive Member (Country):
- David Martin OAM
The Independent Returning Officer has conducted eligibility verification on all candidates nominated for this year’s Victorian Branch Elections. Nominations were called for the position of State Vice President and one position each of State Executive Member (Metropolitan & Country) with the respective term commencing immediately at the conclusion of the 2023 State Annual Conference. The Independent Returning Officer has noted that the position of State Executive Member (Country) is not contested in this year’s ballot. Therefore, consistent with those provisions in State Branch Rule 10.3(b), the nominated candidate David Martin OAM will be duly elected, with the respective term commencing immediately at the conclusion of the 2023 State Annual Conference.
Ballot Papers and information on how to vote has been posted out to Sub-Branches, the ballot papers were accompanied with each nominees’ resume, photo and a statement of suitability. Service and Life Members of the RSL in Victoria should contact their local Sub-Brach to discuss the vote.