At the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance, the 4th Light Horse Regiment Memorial Association will be holding an afternoon to commemorate 110 years since the 4th Light Horse Regiment was first formed, at Broadmeadows, as the Divisional Cavalry for the First Australian Imperial Forces, WW1.

Speakers will be:

  • Mrs Susan Meyer (President, 4th LHRMA and Gen. Sir Harry Chauvel Foundation Ambassador) to welcome attendees and introductions.
  • Dr David Holloway, OAM, who will provide a brief overview of the 4LHR, his own friendships with the old boys and his historical work to document the Regiment and its descendant units.
  • Hon. Murray Thompson, OAM
    • The 4LHR ‘Endure and Fight’ the Regiment’s well-chosen motto
    • Murray will present an overview of the 4LHR 1914 – 1919.
  • Hon. Dr. Sharman Stone
    • ‘The 4LHR on the Western Front’
    • Sharman will give an overview of the 4th Light Horse Regiment as it was engaged 1916-1918, including the Bawden family stories.
  • Mr Lindsay Burke, Vice President 4/19 Prince of Wales LHR Association
    • Lindsay will speak on the historic links between the current 4/19 POW LH Regiment Association and the 4th Light Horse Regiment of WW1.
  • Mr Peter McWilliam, Secretary 4th LHRMA with closing comments and thanks

To end the afternoon’s activities:

  • Mrs Brenda Mansfield to recite The Ode, then
  • Mr John Mansfield, Vice President and our official Bugler for ‘The Last Post’ followed by one minute silence and “The Rouse”.

LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE, at $10 p.p. For bookings, please use this TRY-Booking LINK:

Or contact Mrs Susan Meyer 0426 202 119 for assistance