DVA Statement on Privacy and Potential Veterans’ MATES Data Breach

August 31, 2023

Written by RSL Victoria
31 August 2023

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs has issued a statement regarding the privacy and potential breaching of data for its MATES program following reports that veterans’ data was handed to the University of South Australia without their consent.

The Veterans’ MATES program has been operating for more than 18 years to provide a service addressing ‘real life’ health care problems in the veteran community.

In their statement, DVA reassured veterans and families that there has not been a breach of their data, and there is no systemic data security issue.

You can read the full statement from DVA HERE.


RSL Victoria

First established in 1916, RSL Victoria’s primary objectives are to provide support to veterans and their families, acknowledge Australian Defence Force service and perpetuate its patriotic duty whilst encouraging conversation and mateship between those who have served and their communities. A crucial role of the RSL is also to appropriately commemorate those who have suffered and died in service of our nation or its allies.

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