International Sub-Branch member formally appreciated
Written by Aileen Phillips
05 September 2022
RSL Victoria congratulates Peter Renton from the Angeles City Sub-Branch in the Philippines on his National Certificate of Appreciation.
Peter served in the Royal Australian Air Force for 24 years and when he retired, settled in the Philippines. He joined the Angeles City RSL in 2013.
“Right from the day he joined, he involved himself significantly in the RSL Charter of supporting other members along with our Sub-Branch’s collective support to the local community,” says Gary Barnes, President of the Angeles City Sub-Branch.
Peter is on the Sub-Branch Committee and serves as the Welfare Officer and Medical Mission Coordinator. Part of Peter’s volunteer work includes conducting the local RSL’s Monthly Medical Missions.
These missions provide children aged two to 12 living in surrounding low-socio economic communities with free medical check-ups, medicine and first aid. It’s estimated around 95,000 children have accessed the Medical Missions.
Gary says that Peter tackles the workload and various challenges of liaising with community leaders, sourcing volunteer doctors and nurses and setting up of the facilities necessary to run these missions “almost single-handedly and to exceptionally high standards.”
Peter also voluntarily undertakes the often challenging and upsetting work of helping the family members of Australian expats who pass away and dealing with the resulting legal requirements.
“He has great compassion and care and assists with the hospital, death certificates, informing the Australian Embassy, arranging the funeral and requesting any assistance from RSL, DVA or the Australian Embassy,” says Graham Crispin, a fellow member from the Angeles City RSL.
“Peter is highly regarded and respected in the expat community here and also by all of the locals through his dealings with doctors, nurses, hospitals, funeral homes and local community leaders,” he says.
Despite Peter’s own health challenges last year, he was back to his volunteer work as soon as he was able.
Congratulations Peter on your outstanding work deserving of this recognition.