RSL Victoria Response to Exposure Draft of Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024
RSL Victoria has provided feedback to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) regarding RSL Australia’s collective submission addressing the Exposure Draft of the Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024.
While RSL Australia has made its own response to the Bill, created with input from all RSL State Branches including RSL Victoria, we hold a divergent view on a number of issues raised within.
This divergence of views is a result of extensive consultation with RSL Victoria members, and it is incumbent on RSL Victoria to advocate on behalf of those individuals to achieve what we believe to be the best outcome for our veterans. Despite holding differing views on some aspects of RSL Australia’s submission, RSL Victoria remains united with RSL Australia in the common purpose of improving outcomes for veterans who find themselves needing to obtain compensation or support from DVA.
Click the button below to read our response to DVA.
RSL Victoria
First established in 1916, RSL Victoria’s primary objectives are to provide support to veterans and their families, acknowledge Australian Defence Force service and perpetuate its patriotic duty whilst encouraging conversation and mateship between those who have served and their communities. A crucial role of the RSL is also to appropriately commemorate those who have suffered and died in service of our nation or its allies.