RSL Victoria supports research into veteran wellbeing
Written by RSL Victoria
28 October 2022
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has released a report aiming to understand the wellbeing characteristics of ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force.
The report examines wellbeing outcomes like employment status, income, education qualifications and social support for ADF members and their families.
The report has come out as part of an ongoing body of work in partnership with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and is based on ex-serving ADF members who have served for at least one day on or after January 1 2001, and were ex-serving as of December 31 2015.
RSL Victoria welcomes research from the institute in this area.
RSL Victoria
First established in 1916, RSL Victoria’s primary objectives are to provide support to veterans and their families, acknowledge Australian Defence Force service and perpetuate its patriotic duty whilst encouraging conversation and mateship between those who have served and their communities. A crucial role of the RSL is also to appropriately commemorate those who have suffered and died in service of our nation or its allies.