Our Impact
The RSL strives to provide the right support, at the right time, in the right ways.

RSL stands for Returned & Services League of Australia. We are Australia’s first national veteran wellbeing advocacy agency – and wellbeing advocacy remains our prime function and priority today.
The RSL in Victoria provides direct support to veterans and their families through our Military Compensation Advocacy service and our Community Development and Social Connection programs. The aim of these services is to provide the right support at the right time, in the right way, to enable veterans and their families to be self-reliant and to live fulfilling, healthy lives.
We are active in the development of policy and with public advocacy on behalf of the Returned & Services League (the League) and our members, and work to positively promote and shape the reputation and public perceptions of veterans.
We engage the wider public through two major fundraising appeals – the ANZAC Appeal and the Poppy Appeal – and with the stories of the diverse ex-service community. These initiatives shine a light on the crucial efforts undertaken by the RSL in Victoria and champion the achievements of veterans and their families across the state.
life-changing impact
In 2023, examples of the life-changing impact the RSL in Victoria made include:
success rate in compensation advocacy claims
in compensation achieved for the impact of veterans’ injuries
in financial assistance grants to veterans and their families
in community contribution to support veterans and their families
in the ANZAC Appeal
in the Poppy Appeal
registered volunteers
volunteer hours