Donate to RSL Victoria
Make a life-changing impact on veterans and their families

Your donation to RSL Victoria directly supports local veterans and their families. From a place to sleep for at-risk veterans to assistance with employment and wellbeing, this support can be life-changing.
Importantly, donations allow us to support veterans at all stages of their transition from service to civilian life. Our goal is to consistently show up for veterans along their journey, including when they most need our care.
Ongoing donations also help us expand the resources we have available to ensure they meet the needs of diverse groups and individuals.
When you donate, you show respect and gratitude for veterans and their families – and invest in the services that help transform their lives.
Every financial contribution to RSL Victoria is highly valued, regardless of how much is donated. When you donate, you are showing respect and gratitude for local ex-servicepeople and their families – and investing in the services, programs and events that help transform and enrich their lives.
Importantly, your donations help us provide assistance to veterans and their families at all stages of the transition from service to civilian life. With ongoing financial support, we are better able to consistently show up for veterans along their journey, including when they most need our care.
Your donations also help us expand the resources we have available and ensure they meet the needs of diverse groups and individuals.
With your donations, we change the lives of veterans and their families.

Where your donations go:
- Crisis accommodation for at-risk veterans
- Financial assistance for families in need
- Health and wellbeing programs
- Employment support
- Assistance with accessing pension entitlements