The Veterans & Families Hub Wodonga In Honour Of Tim Fischer Ac
Welcome to the newest place for veterans and their families to connect – The Veterans & Families Hub Wodonga in Honour of Tim Fischer AC.
The Wodonga Hub was opened on December 6, 2022 by Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel The Hon. Matt Keogh MP.
The Wodonga Hub services veterans and their families in the Indigo Valley, Riverina, Murray regions. Thoughtfully designed and veteran-focused, the Hub allows veterans, service personnel and their families to seek assistance privately among understanding and supportive staff.
Veterans and families will be assisted in areas including compensation, wellbeing, financial assistance and employment support services.
Facilities inside the hub include six meeting rooms, one training room, six hot desk spaces, a conference room and secure parking.
Visit the Wodonga Hub at 149 High Street Wodonga, open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
Call 03 9655 5597 for support.